CBPR Inaugural Symposium: Bionic Arms & Legs

Home Use and Sensory Studies with Bionic Arms

With a fully-integrated prosthetic system, the research doesn't need to end when a user leaves the lab.

Dr. Eric Earley describes the CBPR's research investigating how the lab's bionic limbs are being used at home, and some of the lab's current investigations into the restoration of sensory feedback for these bionic limbs.

College of DuPage STEMinar Series

Neural Engineering: Designing Bionic Limbs Controlled by the Brain

From Steve Austin in The Six Million Dollar Man to Luke Skywalker in Star Wars, we have seen countless examples of robotic prostheses that rival or exceed our own biological limbs; but, how close are we to making these devices a reality?

Join Eric Earley, Ph.D. candidate and graduate student researcher in the Center for Bionic Medicine at the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab, as he shares his lab's research on advanced prosthetic limbs.

RSG Science Communication Workshop

How Do I Talk to my Robo-Limb?

This presentation was given during RSG's "7 Minutes of Science" event.

Workshop participants each have 7 minutes to explain their research in an accessible and understandable manner.

Public Outreach

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